Far with the dread

To emigrate, to be away from our family, especially our parents, is a decision that is never simple or easy. And here we are in our new welcoming country, trying to have a better life but with our fear in our belly that does not let us go. What is this dread?

As immigrants, we are all confronted with this dilemma: moving to another country for a better life, but the heaviest and most heartbreaking thing is the people we leave behind, our parents or our children for some. We think about them continuously. During all the time we are far away, we remain afraid, we constantly wonder if they are well. We are concerned, which is quite natural.

Living in this new country, we may be better off, our conditions may be better, but we will always have that little twinge in our heart. Every time we make a phone call to hear from our family back home. Every time we make a video call, we have a hard time hanging up. But fortunately now, these new communication technologies exist because they allow us to reassure ourselves a bit and to comfort us.

However, we remain concerned. We are afraid to receive a phone call in the middle of the night announcing us bad news. We are afraid as soon as we notice several successive missed calls from a family member who has tried several times to reach us without success. So we have to call back and that’s when the fear in our stomachs takes us. Especially if the person has left a message that we should call them back as soon as possible. You have a knotted stomach, you don’t want to call but you have to. You try to be prepared as well as you can but anyway you know you’re going to falter.

We will need some braveness. Life is like that, there are happy days and sad days. All we wish and hope is that there are more happy days than sad days.

Hello world!

Writing is my outlet. I’m just a budding writer sharing my ideas and opinions.

Learning through other cultures and understanding push me to travel.

Tolerance and open-mindedness are part of my philosophy.

This entry was posted on 29 April 2022. 1 Comment